Automate your bathroom fan
Keep your bathroom mold free and comfortable
AutoVent can automate your bathroom fan by providing automatic humidity monitoring and reduction, as well as timed venting for removing odors. This easy to install, no worry product helps simplify your life.
Once the AutoVent is installed, you simply leave the fan switch turned on and AutoVent will start monitoring your bathroom. When elevated humidity levels are detected, AutoVent will turn the fan on until the humidity levels drop to an acceptable level.
If you need to vent odors, simply toggle the fan switch off and then on again. AutoVent will turn the fan on for a set amount of time (default is 10 minutes, but can be changed with the set switches on the top) and then return to its humidity monitoring duties.
Why AutoVent?
No need to remember to turn on or shutoff the fan
Built in timer for odors
Peace of mind
Mold and Mildew
Vent fires
AutoVent Versus Competition
The relative humidity of air leaving an air conditioner is high due to the lower temperature. Humidity sensing switches can detect this and other false events. If used to control an exhaust fan, they will then vent all that nice cool air outside. AutoVent is different. It monitors the changing temperature and humidity in a room to determine if the room needs to be vented. It can discern between rising humidity from a shower and cold humid air from an air conditioner or hot humid air from a home humidifier.

Will it work in my bathroom?
If your bathroom fan does not have this connection, please email us at with a picture of the connection in your bathroom fan. When we have enough submissions for the same adapter and our campaign raises sufficient funds ($100,000) we will work with the factory to get you an adapter.
Automate your bathroom fan today for 50% off
Get the Launch Day Discount and get the AutoVent for $20.00
Launching soon on Kickstarter, see our pre-launch page and follow us
Patent Pending